Friday, November 5, 2010

Settling In

Hey.  It's been a crazy couple of weeks but things are starting to settle down a little bit.  We haven't got our stuff from the moving company yet, which means sleeping on air mattresses and wearing a lot of same clothes.  All in all we're doing really well.  Jaden is settling in to his school which he loves and we have gone on 3-4 hikes already (I don't recommend flip-flops, but that's all I have right now).  I have been working in the Harvest Bible Chapel Denver office in Denver, and the attached picture is a view from one of the offices.  I have been doing a lot of designing and estimating over the past 2 weeks.  Things are going great back in Illinois as work is getting done, and more leads keep popping up everyday.  I am very blessed to have a great team there.  We've got a great weekend lined up.  The church launches this weekend and we are very excited to be involved in that.  Have a great weekend everybody.  Talk soon.